I’m sure you have all heard the story about the big rocks. It goes something like this. A professor asks his class of students to fill up a jar with some big rocks, small rocks and sand. He gives them no idea of which order to put these three items into the jar. What order do you think works best?
If you put the sand in first then it’s more than likely that you won’t be able to get all the big rocks in, but if you fill the jar with the big rocks first, then the small rocks and finally the sand, if by magic everything fits. I share this story because it is the same in business. You always need to focus on the big rocks and generally these will be the revenue producing activities of your business Do these things first at all cost. Then you can focus on the small rocks and finally the sand
The problem that I see happening to business owners time and time again is that they focus on the sand (tiny activities like social media etc) rather than tackling the big rocks. And the one thing I know to be sure is that you don’t tackle the big rocks first they will never get done
I’ve been having my own experience of this lately as I am writing a new book. Every day I used to say that I would get to the book later in the day, but it never happened. The result was that I was severely behind schedule and my book coach was getting frustrated with me. The only option I had eventually was to start my day writing the book, and guess what, with two concerted weeks of writing I completed the first draft. It feels great. I know there is still lots to do before it can get into production however, it is a major accomplishment for me.
So what was stopping me getting on and writing the book to begin with. Well it was my good old friend procrastination. He is a sneaky scoundrel who has an amazing ability to sabotage my business if I let him. So here are my top tips to defeat procrastination.
1. Set goals. Decide what you want and what needs to happen to get it. Be specific. Create a realistic timetable.
2. Commit. Make a contract with yourself. Tell a friend or co-worker or family member your plan. Ask for help when you need it.
3. Set priorities. Make a list of things that need to be done in order of their importance.
4. Get organized. Have the right tools and equipment to do the job. Make lists. Keep a schedule.
5. Think small. Don’t let the whole of the project overwhelm you. Stay in the present and do what you are doing.
6. Break tasks into parts. The “Swiss cheese” approach to getting any major project completed is to break it apart and work on one piece at a time. Reward yourself when you complete one step.
7. Use positive self-talk.
8. Replace excuses with rational, realistic thinking.
9. Realize there is no such thing as perfection. Begin the thing knowing it can never be done perfectly. You’ll do your best. You always do.
10. Reward yourself. Often and generously for accomplishing the smallest of tasks. Celebrate. Pat yourself on the back. Enjoy your accomplishment.
Like many other self-defeating behaviors, procrastination can be overcome. The place to begin is where you are. If you’d like my help in getting you out of procrastination why not apply for one of the limited number of complimentary Success Breakthrough Sessions that I offer every month. This is a sure why way to motivated and back on track.

Julia Felton (aka The Business Wrangler) is the founder of Business HorsePower. Business leaders, entrepreneurs and executives hire her to accelerate their business performance by harnessing the energy of their people to work more collaboratively together. By aligning purpose with actions the team achieves exponential results as everyone starts pulling in the same direction.
Julia believes that business is a force for good and through designing purpose-driven businesses that leverage the laws of nature, and the herd, you can create businesses founded on the principles of connection, collaboration and community that make a significant impact in the world.