“If you can conceive something in your mind and believe it to be true, then you can achieve it.” – Napoleon Hill
Napolean Hill said it best when he said, “Whatever the mind can conceive and believe, the mind can achieve.”
But what he said next is even more important and often not quoted. He then goes on to say “…regardless of how many times you have failed in the past or how lofty your aims or hopes may be.”
In his book entitled Think and Grow Rich, Napoleon Hill states that it is scientifically impossible to conceive something in your mind, to believe that you can do it, and then not be able to. The very fact that you can conceive something in your mind, and believe that you can do it, means that you can.
Belief is an ever important aspect of creating a thriving business. If you can imagine it, but you truly don’t believe it, then you will not be able to achieve it. Your worry, doubt and uncertainty will act as a barrier that prohibits your financial goals or any other goals from manifesting themselves.
Most of us have not begun to tap into our true greatness and all that we are capable of achieving. In fact in his book The Other 90% Robert Cooper suggests that as much as 90% of our potential is untapped. Wow. That’s amazing. Just imagine what would happen if collectively we all tapped into some of this. Just think how much more we could all achieve. So do you want to know the secret for unlocking your greatness? It is in your mind.
The power of our mind is truly amazing. Most people doubt themselves. For some it’s occasionally, for others it’s often. We also tend to put other people on a pedestal. The funny thing is that the people we idolize often doubt themselves as much as we doubt ourselves. We all have problems, insecurities and challenges. What distinguishes the truly happy, successful and fulfilled people is how they handle problems and challenges. Belief is the best tool!
The more you believe in yourself and your abilities, the more likely you are to accomplish your goals and reach your dreams.
So what do you need to believe in order to achieve your dreams? If you heard me on SineFM last week you’ll know that one of my favourite songs is Believe by the amazing Orgena Rose. You can download the album and single on iTunes. It’s so inspiring that I try and listen to it every day. Here’s the link in case you missed it.

Julia Felton (aka The Business Wrangler) is the founder of Business HorsePower. Business leaders, entrepreneurs and executives hire her to accelerate their business performance by harnessing the energy of their people to work more collaboratively together. By aligning purpose with actions the team achieves exponential results as everyone starts pulling in the same direction.
Julia believes that business is a force for good and through designing purpose-driven businesses that leverage the laws of nature, and the herd, you can create businesses founded on the principles of connection, collaboration and community that make a significant impact in the world.