This past week I’ve been working with several clients helping them to create their dream business and 90 day marketing plan. And one of themes that has continually come up of it is that when it comes to marketing our businesses we very often take the easy option.

I know so many of are telling me that you don’t have enough hours in the day to get everything done, and whilst I know that might feel true, the real reason is due to the fact that you are not focusing on income generating activities and being visible in your business.

Hey, I get it.  Often it is easier to think we are being productive by hiding our behind our computer and doing activities such as:

  • Updating your website
  • Posting a status update to social media
  • Writing a new article

However, your business is going to succeed and prosper if you grow by getting out of your comfort zone and doing something different. Remember the old Einstein saying:

“We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them

So if you want to grow your business you’ll need to learn to step out of your comfort zone. Activities that might be out of  your comfort zone include:

  • Reaching out to a potential referral partner
  • Attending a networking event
  • Speaking either online or in-person

The technology we have available to us is making it easy for us to take the easy option; but yet make us feel like we’re marketing. Hence, the frustration with lack of results.

Whereas the most effective forms of marketing, especially for professional service providers, is all about personal connection and building relationships. Which means you have to take a step out of your comfort zone to do it.

So my challenge to you this week is how can you mix up your marketing so that you’re combining easy with the more challenging marketing activities?  Post your comments on facebook at let me know.

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