“The men who have succeeded are men who have chosen one line and stuck to it” – Andrew Carnegie
When running your own business there are so many aspects to focus on, how do you know which one to prioritize first. Well, I always tell my clients to focus first on the areas of the business where they are most TRUSTed. The areas where you are most TRUSTed in business are the areas where your natural talents lie.
There are four different areas
- Innovation Trusted
- People Trusted
- Service Trusted
- Detail Trusted
So which are you?. If you don’t know jump over now to http://bitly.com/trusttest and take a quick five question assessment which will immediately show you where you are most TRUSTed in business. And the great news is it is FREE.
Where you are most TRUSTed is where you are already naturally talented and capable of doing tasks with ease. People know they can rely on you in this area and for you it usually feels fun and energising. You could carry on doing these tasks all day and you would still feel energised at the end of it. It might even feel easy to you.
When you focus time at trying to build TRUST in the area where you are least TRUSTed because its the thing that comes most hardest to you to develop, you will find it tiring, hard work maybe even stressful over time and you will find it much harder to build Trust. So it’s ironic that often we are told to develop our weaknesses.
I know I was guilty of making my team in the corporate world focus on improving their weaknesses when in fact they would have delivered so much more value to my business unit if they had focused on developing their strengths and using their talents.
So what is your business success?
Each of the four types have a different type of business that they find greatest success in. You can be successful in many businesses where you are working with others in a team. But if you want to run your own business, your Trusted Talents will make you best suited for one of these environments:
Innovation Trusted love creative businesses
Ideas Smart. Energised, dynamic and great at getting things started. Finishing them can be a challenge. Eg Albert Einstein and Richard Branson.
With constant change and innovation. Whether it is a product or service based business, the most important thing is to have the freedom to create and express yourself.
Excels at strategy setting and product creation
People Trusted love people businesses
People Smart. Passionate, outgoing, great at networking and meeting new people. Easily distracted from the task at hand eg Marilyn Monroe and Oprah Winfrey
With ongoing contact and interaction with people. Whether it is from the stage or on the road, the most important thing is to be in front of people face-to-face.
Excels at sales and marketing activities
Service Trusted love trading businesses
Senses Smart. Compassionate, grounded, great team player and reliable at getting things done with the team. Often gets lost in the activity eg Nelson Mandela and Mother Teresa
With constant activity and quick response. Whether it is trading the markets, serving in a restaurant or saving lives, the most important thing is serving and reacting to the moment.
Excels at customer service and managing relationships
Detail Trusted love systems businesses
Process Smart. Orderly, systems orientated with a good eye for detail, strong at completing. Can find it difficult to start new things eg Mark Zuckerberg and Benjamin Franklin
With ongoing analysis and smooth systems. Whether it is working online or behind the scenes, the most important thing is to be in control of the system and details.
Excels at accounts, systems, data and detail
Just like a wheel of life, which I’m sure you are all familiar with, to my mind there us a wheel of business. You need to ensure that all the activities in your business are balanced. I can’t tell you how many businesses I have seen where the mix of energies has been unbalanced and as a result success is unable to flow. Just imagine a business owner who spends all their time focusing on their sales and marketing. That might be great as they are attracting in clients, but if they don’t have any method of staying connected to the client (service TRUSTed) or any way to manage the cash in the business (detail TRUSTed) the business will falter as it will fail to invoice and collect payment from any clients and also the client acquisition cost will be really high as failure to stay connected to previous clients means they will go somewhere where they are more valued.
So I would urge you to go and look at your business and marketing plan for year. I’m sure you have all created one right, and just make sure that all your activities for next year are balanced and aligned. And if you need any help then I would suggest that you contact me about my new IGNITE your business days where we get deep down into your business and put some rocket fuel behind your plans for this year so that we can catapult you to success because remember
Fail to Plan, Plan to Fail
Remember you can take the TEST Test at http://bitly.com/trusttest, and let me know where you are most TRUSTed in business.
Julia Felton (aka The Business Wrangler) is the founder of Business HorsePower. Business leaders, entrepreneurs and executives hire her to accelerate their business performance by harnessing the energy of their people to work more collaboratively together. By aligning purpose with actions the team achieves exponential results as everyone starts pulling in the same direction.
Julia believes that business is a force for good and through designing purpose-driven businesses that leverage the laws of nature, and the herd, you can create businesses founded on the principles of connection, collaboration and community that make a significant impact in the world.