Unbridled Business: Unlocking Nature's Wisdom To Reinvent Leadership
by Julia FeltonAre you:
- A conscious business leader or team member searching for a new way to do business?
- Wanting a framework to help you develop your leadership skills?
- Frustrated by all the resources – time, energy and money – wasted everyday?
- Passionate about finding another way to run a business, one based on connection, collaboration and community
If you answered yes to any of these questions then you need to read Unbridled Business: Unlocking Nature’s Wisdom To Reinvent Leadership.
This book is packed full of information to help you create a business that a business based on connection, collaboration and community rather than the typical command and control principles that have typically existed.
In this book I codify a new way for business to reinvent itself so that it is fit for purpose in today’s uncertain world. The result is the Unbridled Business Blueprint™, which draws its inspiration from nature and ancient wisdom. This innovative approach helps design businesses that are sustainable and consciously aware of how they impact society. This blueprint is destined to become the standard for the new age.
Unbridled Business takes you step-by-step through the process of developing the two foundational pillars – Embed the Purpose and Building Trust – and the three unique cornerstones – Evolving Leadership, Empowering Others To Act and Engage The Environment so you can achieve Unbridled Performance where no time, energy, money or resources are wasted. It clearly describes the What, the Why and the How of how to reinvent your business so that it can become more agile and adaptable so it can create more impact whilst delivering increased productivity, profitability and team engagement
Unbridled Business takes you step-by-step through three unique cornerstones showing us how to evolve leadership, empower others to act and engage the environment in order to achieve Unbridled Performance where no time, energy, money or resources are wasted.
Julia Felton clearly describes the What, the Why and the How of unlocking the potential in your business to deliver increased productivity, profitability and team engagement, and who wouldn’t want that
Order now and get the special reader bonuses that includes access to webinars led by me discussing the principles of creating an Unbridled Business Blueprint. You won’t want to miss these.

Discover the three cornerstones that create a high performance business
One inspired by the laws of nature and herds of horses,
where there is no wasted time, energy or resources
“Julia is brilliant in the way she has integrated nature in business. In this book she provides a new blueprint for running business, one based on co-operation and collaboration, where Shared Leadership is the norm . If you are frustrated and struggling with the constant day to day demands placed on you then this book provides a step by step guide of how to create a Joined Up Business where no resources are wasted.”
Unbridled Business is currently available from Amazon
“Unbridled Business is an incredibly powerful thought leadership book that challenges the reader to look at the current ways they are running and leading businesses and to adopt a new approach, one inspired by the ancient wisdom of nature and Julia’s herd of horses!.”