The last few weeks have seen some major shifts happen in the UK and that has left many feeling very uncertain as to the future. It’s natural to feel anxiety when we don’t know what is happening, however, this is a trend that I see happen more and more frequently as the world that we live in never stays still. It changes at lightening pace.
Who had ever heard of Pokemon Go two weeks ago and yet now it is a worldwide phenomenon. I even read about how it triggered a road rage incident in Yorkshire! No-one could have predicted this and whilst we can’t control the rapid change happening around us we can control how we respond to the situations that confront us.
And that’s the same with the entrepreneurial journey. The one certainty is that when you become an entrepreneur your business will have ups and downs and it is how we respond to the down times that ultimately determines our success.
Typically when we launch our business we are ecstatic and highly motivated. We are excited and that passion and excitement spills out into everything we do. The people around us get excited too. Then inevitably, at some point, something doesn’t go to plan and we become disheartened. This is the time that many people give up, complaining things are too hard. But if you stick at it then things start to improve and you get on a high again, only later to have those feelings dashed. This is the roller coaster of business. A continual ebb and flow of highs and lows.
The important thing to focus on at these times is how you rebound because just like the ocean the tide comes in and goes out and so does the success of your business. This is the law of rhythm. And if you think about most of nature has an ebb and flow to it. The flowers grow in the Spring, bloom in the summer and the rest and die off in the winter. The seasons all have an rhythm too. Even your heartbeat has a rhythm. And the rhythm is required to allow time to rest and recuperate.
So if your business is feeling like it is in an ebb right now, don’t fret. Take a deep breathe, focus on what you can control and remember that in time things will improve if you just stick with it.
I know from my own entrepreneurial journey there have been many highs and lows, and whilst the lows can feel overwhelming at times, I know they build resilience and that in time, if I learn from the situation, my business will bounce back and be stronger than before.
So how can you embrace the rhythm of your business and allow this to support your success rather than hinder it?
I wish you an amazing sunshine filled week.

Julia Felton (aka The Business Wrangler) is the founder of Business HorsePower. Business leaders, entrepreneurs and executives hire her to accelerate their business performance by harnessing the energy of their people to work more collaboratively together. By aligning purpose with actions the team achieves exponential results as everyone starts pulling in the same direction.
Julia believes that business is a force for good and through designing purpose-driven businesses that leverage the laws of nature, and the herd, you can create businesses founded on the principles of connection, collaboration and community that make a significant impact in the world.