This week I began an 11 day Fat Loss Challenge with one of my former mentors John Assaraf. I love his work about the neuro-science of business and how the brain impacts our success. The great news is that you can re-programme your brain through a series of entrainment exercises and that is what I am doing with my eating patterns.
I met and then mentored with John back in 2009 when I was living in California and his programme “Having It All” was amazing and transformed my life. I’ll always remember his wise words about how to change anything in your life when he said “Inch By Inch It’s a Cinch”.
You see often when we seek to change habits or achieve goals we often think we have to do it all right now. We have become such an instant gratification society that we have begun to fail to appreciate all the small things around us. And yet it is all those small actions that ultimately help us achieve our goals and dreams.
It is dogged determination and persistence day in day out that effects change. It is the daily decisions that I make about exercise and chocolate that will affect how successful I am on this Fat Loss Challenge, after all I know I can’t lose 6kg overnight!!!
As well as consistent action the other thing to do when setting goals is to make sure they inspire you. John bans the word “diet” as that implies lack and none of us want that. The language we use is so important in helping help us stay motivated and focused, so rather than losing weight John talks about releasing weight. There is something in the language that makes me feel that I am making the choice to do this rather than being forced.
So what small action will you take today to move you towards your goals and dreams – maybe it is reaching out to client, having a courageous conversation with your boss or spouse or in my case exercising and making the choice to eat healthier food.

Julia Felton (aka The Business Wrangler) is the founder of Business HorsePower. Business leaders, entrepreneurs and executives hire her to accelerate their business performance by harnessing the energy of their people to work more collaboratively together. By aligning purpose with actions the team achieves exponential results as everyone starts pulling in the same direction.
Julia believes that business is a force for good and through designing purpose-driven businesses that leverage the laws of nature, and the herd, you can create businesses founded on the principles of connection, collaboration and community that make a significant impact in the world.