About Our Team
My horses mirror your ability to focus, decide, and take action in a way you simply can’t ignore.During the Unbridled Success Retreats and also sometimes during the Jump Start Your Business Intensive Sessions, my horses take over the coaching role.
They are masterful coaches providing unbiased feedback and help you access the hidden 90% potential that resides in you.
My horses have this uncanny, yet highly accurate ability to read whether your words, actions, voice and body language match your thoughts, feelings and actions.
Coach Toby
Toby is a twenty nine year old cross thoroughbred gelding. Originally from Ireland he found his way into Julia’s life at a time when she was going through profound change. The lesson this horse has taught her are incredible and he is very instrumental in Julia’s decision to establish Business HorsePower and write Unbridled Success
- Time for Trust 80%
- Friendly 99%

Coach Charlie
Charlie (aka Cayman’s Gift) is a twenty-two year old thoroughbred gelding. Originally a race horse, both on the flat and over jumps, he is a gentle giant with a massive heart, always willing to please. Now retired Charlie is the most laid back member of the herd. He is a master at connection and loves just hanging out with people
- Attention Seeking 5%
- Calming Nature 98%
Coach Bracken
Bracken is twelve years old and is the real joker in the herd. Left abandoned on the motorway she is curious beyond belief and is always looking to be the star of the show. Ignore her at your peril. Bracken is a firm favourite with clients due to her charming looks and the fact that butter wouldn’t melt in her mouth!
- Time for Trust 80%
- Friendly 99%

Coach Thistle
Thistle joined the herd in 2011 along with Bracken having been rescued from abandonment. Best friends they are inseparable but have very different characters. Thistle is very measured and opinionated about life. Ask her in the right way and she’ll respond positively, fail to pay attention to her needs and she’ll have something to say about it.
- Attention Seeking 5%
- Calming Nature 98%
Photography kindly provided by Charles Waller – www.charleswallerphotography.co.uk