Dear Humanity
For centuries us horses and you humans have shared a special partnership. In times past we were your sole mode of transport. We were your partners in battle, in life, and at work ploughing the fields. The railroads are 4 foot and 8.5 inches wide as that is the width needed to accommodate the width of two horses! Our partnership has thrived since the beginning of time and we have worked harmoniously together until you designed those crazy motor vehicles.
With the car you literally sped up your life. You started charging about with little or no sense of purpose. You forgot to stop and pause. You became insular and disconnected from each other and eventually over the years your communication began to disintegrate as you lost the sense of unity, trust and collaboration.
We know that you humans are going through a tough time right now and we horses are here to help you return to your own innate state that you have all forgotten. Would you let our principles of living help guide you to re-connect, re-kindle renew and nourish your soul, as we help you align with the basic principles of nature and the Universe.
Let us share our wisdom of survival and how we have had to adapt to survive over millions of years. After all we’ve been on the planet for over 55 million years and you humans for around 6 million years.
Not since saber tooth tigers and woolly mammoths died out, have you ever been in the position of being the prey. Typically, you live daily as the predator creature on the planet. The coronavirus (COVID-19) is treating you as its prey. You can’t control it and it is impacting your daily lives. Some of you are scared, afraid and uncertain of what to do. No-one on the planet today has experienced a situation like this before, we understand. All our lives we have been prey animals, literally fighting for our lives on a daily, hourly and minute by minute basis, but it is this that has made us strong, powerful, adaptive and creative. We understand your fears and anxieties, so let us share with you the practices that help keep us safe.
- Stay Present, Aware and Grounded. Live in the moment. You never know what is round the corner so be grateful of what you have now.
- If Others Frustrate You, Say Your Piece and Go Back To Grazing. Now is not the time to hold grudges. By living in the moment and focusing on each second and minute you can’t stress about the past or the future.
- Care For Each Other: Look after your herd members and keep them safe. Foster community spirit, unity and harmony.
- Step Up and Play Your Part: In the herd we are all responsible for ensuring the safety of the group. If we don’t do our role we can put the safety of the herd of risk. That is why we are punished with exclusion from the herd. Believe us that this is a really scary place to be as you are alone and afraid for your safety. So co-operate with each other and listen to the guidance of your elders.
- Act With Integrity and Trust The Process: Know that this challenging time will pass and you’ll have the opportunity to design a different world, one more in harmony with nature.
- Know That We Trumps Me Any Day: Foster the spirit of the herd and know we are in this together and can only survive if we work together. Any self-serving behavior (hoarding of toilet paper!) will only serve to alienate each other.
- Slow Down, Be Grateful and Appreciate All You Have: Often you only appreciate things when you no longer have them. As horses we love to hang out together doing something and nothing but we observe you humans never stop. You’re always doing something. We invite you at this time to slow down and reflect. Remember everything in the Universe has a rhythm and this provides certainty. The sun rises and falls daily, the seasons change with regularity throughout the year yet humanity lives at full throttle, pedal to the metal day in day out, and then you flat line as your energy burns out. You’re not designed for this and whilst you know it you can’t seem to get off the treadmill. Use this as a time to make that switch.
- Remember We Are All Part Of The Ecology Of The Planet: We are all inter-connected and inter-dependent. The current crisis is showing you that most clearly. Everything you humans do has a ripple effect. Become aware of how your ripple impacts others because it does even if you’re not consciously aware of it.
Humanity, the coronavirus pandemic is providing you with the gift to wake up and become more aware of the rhythms of nature. For everyone who has been sleep walking your way through life, we urge you to enjoy being in the moment, to slow down and become more aware of your impact on others. We invite you to become more horse like!. Let us show you the principles of how to live in harmony and unity with each other and nature. Let us help you return to your roots and find your unbridled spirit.
We know you can do it. Will it be easy, no, but the results will be transformative and spectacular for all of us – humanity, the animals, plants and planet. Let us help you, our life-long partner navigate these challenging times. Leverage our wisdom to help you create your success and thrive once again.
To Your Unbridled Success
The Herd.

Julia Felton (aka The Business Wrangler) is the founder of Business HorsePower. Business leaders, entrepreneurs and executives hire her to accelerate their business performance by harnessing the energy of their people to work more collaboratively together. By aligning purpose with actions the team achieves exponential results as everyone starts pulling in the same direction.
Julia believes that business is a force for good and through designing purpose-driven businesses that leverage the laws of nature, and the herd, you can create businesses founded on the principles of connection, collaboration and community that make a significant impact in the world.