We create team cohesion and get everyone pulling in the same direction
Why Choose Us?
For nearly 10 years, Business HorsePower has been helping leaders unleash the hidden potential in their teams so everyone achieves more. We take time to understand you, your business, and your challenges. We are inspired by your goals and the changes you hope to see. We facilitate breakthroughs that stretch your perspective of what it means to be a leader, which often means encouraging you to step outside your comfort zone and try something different.
Our Core Competencies
At Business HorsePower, our blend of core competencies set us apart from other providers in the marketplace. Uniquely we are able to support you with both the people and process side of the business – the head and heart. Like every living body one can’t exist without the other so we help you align both these facets to deliver exceptional results.
We’re accredited in many modalities and assessment tools.
Each business challenge is unique and requires its own combination of solutions. This we why we have an array of programmes and assessments available to us to help you. Examples include: The GC Index; Talent Dynamics Assessment; Five Cohesive Traits of Teams; Our proprietary Leadership and Communications Assessment; Culture Assessments; Strategy on a Page; Employee Engagement solutions; Executive Coaching and Mentoring; Conscious Business Approaches
We customise services to your needs.
Nothing we do is packaged, cookie-cutter or off-the-shelf. Every leader, every business is different, which means that every approach must be unique to some degree.
We create exceptional leadership experiences.
Nearly all adults learn better by doing. There’s a lot of research out there that shows traditional business training and learning environments fall short of helping leaders unify and align their language, purpose, and emotions into meaningful action. And yet, this alignment – many experts call it authenticity – is the defining difference between good leaders and great ones, between functional teams and high-performing ones.
We incorporate experiential learning into most of our programs as a metaphor for what happens in the business world. You gain new knowledge and skills through hands-on practice in safe, yet creative, environments. Whether in the arena or a more traditional learning environment, we use proven methods that maximise your learning and shape great leaders and teams from the inside out.
Commitment to results.
You hire a coach or consultant to achieve success. Period. We get that and are as results-oriented as you are. Referrals are the lifeblood of our business and happy leaders make referrals. If we don’t think we can help, we say so. If we know of someone who can help you, and it’s not us, we’re happy to connect you to another resource. If we do work together, you can be sure you’ll have an outcome that delivers on your specific purpose and goals.
Real-world expertise.
Julia partners with professionals from a diverse set of backgrounds who share a passion for developing today’s leaders and tomorrow’s visionaries. Depending on what you need, she puts together a trusted team, each of whom brings deep expertise in his or her speciality, a values-based commitment to clients, and a proven track record of delivering results.

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I’m such a great supporter of everyone else, and I don’t mind admitting it! There is no greater satisfaction for me urging others on and helping them to succeed. However the downside is that in this supporting role, I tend to get lost and forget about where I am heading. So yesterday I evaluated my own goals, based on the patterns I’d identified. I feel very much in my power and realise I need to ‘lead’ my team to get my projects moving on instead of becoming involved in the tasks they have been designated. I can’t believe how much was achieved in one day.
Working with the horses under Julia’s guidance is a real opportunity to re-connect with yourself, a It truly intense healing process. Who would think that a two year old horse could be such an inspirational mentor.
Thank you so much Julia, your work is fabulous and you come highly recommended.”